Module org.easymock
Package org.easymock

Interface IArgumentMatcher

All Known Implementing Classes:
And, Any, ArrayEquals, Captures, Compare, CompareEqual, CompareTo, Contains, EndsWith, Equals, EqualsWithDelta, Find, GreaterOrEqual, GreaterThan, InstanceOf, LessOrEqual, LessThan, Matches, Not, NotNull, Null, Or, Same, StartsWith

public interface IArgumentMatcher
Decides whether an actual argument is accepted.
OFFIS, Tammo Freese
  • Method Summary Link icon

    Modifier and Type
    Appends a string representation of this matcher to the given buffer.
    matches(Object argument)
    Returns whether this matcher accepts the given argument.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • matches Link icon

      boolean matches(Object argument)
      Returns whether this matcher accepts the given argument.

      Like Object.equals(), it should be aware that the argument passed might be null and of any type. So you will usually start the method with an instanceof and/or null check.

      The method should never assert if the argument doesn't match. It should only return false. EasyMock will take care of asserting if the call is really unexpected.

      argument - the argument
      whether this matcher accepts the given argument.
    • appendTo Link icon

      void appendTo(StringBuffer buffer)
      Appends a string representation of this matcher to the given buffer. In case of failure, the printed message will show this string to allow to know which matcher was used for the failing call.
      buffer - the buffer to which the string representation is appended.